Wednesday, February 11, 2004

California politics: Are the Democrats being suckers for Schwarznegger?

Duckman GR at the Left Coaster seems to think so. He rips into the California Democrats for supporting Schwarznegger proposals like his unpopular $15 million bond proposal on the March ballot:

Arnold waltzed in, unchallenged by the press or the Democrats, with nothing but his "charm" behind him. The Democrats couldn't decide on a strategy, and rather than just oppose him tooth and nail, they fractured into a slew of positions, until they settled on Joe Lieberman's top State supporter. Nuff said.

And they continue to give him victories, uncritical victories that tell the State that Arnold can get things done. He can release prisoners from prison and its okay where a Dem could not. He can put the squeeze on the Indian Tribes because the public will support him. Why? Because the Democrats keep giving him victories, that's why, and people like successful leaders, don't they.

Art Torres, state party chair, says that due to Republican intransigence on the budget, the Dems are left with no other option than to roll over and support Gov. Schwarzenegger. So rather than expose that intransigence, rather than fight Arnold, rather than use some of Tom DeLays strong arm tactics themselves (which they could do since they do have majorities in both houses) rather than propose and flog their own budgetary solution to the problem, no, it's time to strap on the ol Pink Tutu and proclaim Arnold the best thing since the Model T.

It's not surprising that the Democrats would regard the bond issue as a necessary evil. Without it, the current fiscal year budget would wind up more out of balance and next year's deficit would be $4 billion or so higher.

But Duckman does have a point. It's not a time for California Democrats to roll over and play dead.

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