Thursday, February 19, 2004

Sideshow Watch

Hey, if they're going to put AOL political blogs on the Sideshow list, we may as well keep up with them, huh?

The legendary one-post blog Sid's Journal is still there. And it still says the same thing. Democrats make her sick. John Edwards is a Communist. (Actually I think she means all Democrats are Communists, but the paragraph is about Edwards.) Paying taxes is "totally against everything this country was founded on." Howard Dean and General Clark are gay ("fruitcakes" is her word.)

Gosh, when you can crank out a post of that quality, you might as well leave it there alone to be admired for a few weeks!

Then there's Armandt's Un-Common Sense who's put up a Thursday post, "Hanoi John Kerry." His "All About Me" box says that he's neither a Democrat nor a Republican.  His other posts include more accusations of treason and such by Democrats, criticism of countries that had the good sense not to drink the Bush kool-aid on Iraqi "WMDs", grumping about Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy and so forth.

It seems he's much more not-a-Democrat than not-a-Republican. I was looking through some of his older posts but stopped in order to savor this in-depth political analysis from 09/13/03, un-Americans, about people who wanted the United Nations to approve war in Iraq:

Your U.N.-American goals are just that, un-American! ... [Y]our entire system of thinking is purely anti-US.  That's right, anti-American.  ...  When a soldier goes down, you wring your hands in delight at the chance to trash US foreign policy.  When democracy is defended overseas, your political agenda at home is offended.  ... There is nothing to say for you, except that you are TRAITORS.  If you want to cheer against soldiers and democracy, then get on the other side of the line.  Afghanistan and Iraq would be a good place for you to start!

We should introduce this guy to Chuckie!


Anonymous said...

make that totally disappointed*

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stand the senseless drivel on those blogs. I am totally disappointment with AOL for showcasing these journals. How did they pick those two, by throwing darts in the dark?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Good question! With those selections up, they should call the Sideshow blog section "Doorway to Right Freeperstan." - Bruce

Anonymous said...

Senseless drivel? I didn't see you presenting any facts to contradict my statements.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Armandt, quotes like the one above aren't really about facts at all, they're just nasty name-calling. In fact, it's not even clear toward whom something like that is directed. But it doesn't sound like it was directed at people like the League of the South or other neo-Confederate groups that are explicit about hating America. Because I don't think they like the UN much, either. - Bruce

Anonymous said...

bruce, i just checked on the Sideshow and they have put my buddy in DC's journal, Tank Gurl's Two Cents, on there. she's a raving liberal, so maybe they've gotten the message. i also posted a request on the Sideshow board for YOUR journal to show up SOON.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's unclear who I am speaking to when you take the quote out of its context. That's /your/ fault. Not mine. Go back to the post. I addressed my comments to whom I was speaking in the first sentence.