Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Wilson/Plame Affair: More Links

These are a few more links I've come across.  Not much time to comment on them right now.

At Newsmax, a really conservative site, a very critical piece about Plame's exposure appears next to an "I Like Bush" t-shirt ad. (Via Atrios.)

At the same Atrios link, he excerpts this panel discussion that includes Larry Johnson, a Republican former CIA analyst, from the PBS Newshour.

Billmon has a number of great comments on this issue.  This particular one is not one of the best, but it's intriguing because he goes John Le Carre on us here.

And via Daily Kos, Wyeth Wire focuses on a serious problem that's already come up with how John Ashcroft's Justice Department has handled this.


Anonymous said...

how very glad i am to see your journal on the list of
editors's daily top five. it's the first time i've found
one with any meat or pizazz to it. i have been reading
you from time to time and always find it relevant and
interesting, with many links i follow and read. keep
up the good work. you seem to have a lot more time
to wander through the blogosphere following these
threads than i have. so i profit from your research.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment. Actually, I come across a number of blog links with a pretty narrow focus. And I see from the links at your Journal that you've come across a few I haven't encountered yet that I need to check out. - Bruce