Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Spinning 9/11 and the Iraq War

The inestimable Tom Tomorrow, the political cartoonist with a keen sense for political weirdness, is also perplexed about why the Bush team is suddenly so eager to distance themselves from Dick Cheney's 9/11 claim last Sunday. It's not as though it's the first time an Administration bigwig has tossed a whopper out there.  So it's not just me whose head is spinning on this one.

After all, it was barely over a week ago that Bush was still trying hard to link the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq War in the minds of the American public in his speech to the nation on the war.

Or maybe this is another case of not being able to take "yes" for an answer. If Bush & Co are going to stop pushing that claim, good. The Administration should be trying to be as truthful as possible on issues related to the Iraq War.

Steve Gilliard also gets in a few licks on this one.  (You have to scroll down to 9/17 entries "Do They Think We're Retarded?" Warning for the squemish: Steve isn't being polite about this one.) He suggests "Jedi Mind Trick" as a description of the Administration's approach to disseminating the truth.

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