Sunday, September 21, 2003

Iraq War Critics: Joe Conason in Berkeley (Pt. 3 of 3)

The 9/11 conspiracy-theory folks weren't satisfied. They kept bringing up various things, and even started a little heckling at one point, which fortunately lasted only a few seconds. But he stuck to his position.

At the end, one guy insisted that Conason was wrong in thinking the Democrats' foreign policy would be any better than Bush's and that American adventurism abroad went back 150 years. Conason ended by saying he didn't agree with that viewpoint. "Maybe I should apologize for that, but ... I don't."

He also showed his pragmatic streak in addressing a pessimistic question about the mainstream media by saying that people needed to remember that media outlets are human institutions, and therefore have complicated motives in their approaches. He singled out some good reporting on Bush's deceptions over the Iraq War by the Washington Post, which editorially has been very prowar. He expressed optimism that the Internet (including Weblogs) are giving people more alternatives to access good-quality news about national and international events.

Check out Joe Conason's Weblog on, which also has some long excerpts from the book. And then read all of Big Lies. It's very good.

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