Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Chuckie Watch 6: Chuckie Scolds the (Democratic) Politicians

Nashville's avatar of Patriotic Correctness CHARLIE DANIELS is off his mellow-Soapbox streak.  In his latest, "People, Politicians and Foolishness", Chuckie's telling us how he don't like politicians that do things that damage the country. You know, politicians like Tom Daschle, Charles Rangle, and Hillary Clinton (double dose).  His intro to the whole thing is pretty cute:

I believe that the form of government we have in the U.S.A. is the best in the world. The only thing wrong with it is the politicians.

Let's see, we have the Best Government in the World but the politicians that make it up are all screwy. Now, how does that work? Oh, yeah, there's a definite pattern to the politicians he thinks are irresponsible. If we could just git rid of them there Democrats, everything would be fine.

And given Chuckie's, uh, less than thorough knowledge about basic American values like freedom of religion, I have to wonder just how extensive his knowledge of comparative politics is. But we'll let that slide.

And Chuckie don't like Charles Rangle's talkin' about no draft for the military. He says, "I take Congressman Rangle's proposal as a slap in the face of our military." I don't exactly follow that. But I wonder how Chuckie will react when Bush and Rummy reinstate the draft. Which they will have to do soon after the 2004 election if they win and intend to keep on with their current foreign policy.

Wild guess here: Chuckie will be all for it.

Let's be fair. Chuckie does mention a Republican:

And how about the big to do about Trent Lott. I'm not defending what he did, it was political suicide and he should have known it. But how about Hillary Clinton hugging that Middle Eastern leader's wife? Guess it just depends on who's doing the hugging.

Translation from Chuckie-speak: Nah, I ain't defendin' ole Trent.  (Ain't criticizin' him either.) But it was political suicide because there's a lot of, you know, certain kinds of people who'll criticize you for kissing up to white supremacist groups. But, hey, look! Hillary Clinton hugged an A-rab!!!

And there's some other stuff about spotted owls and dead babies and wasting money and stuff. Yeah, Chuckie's back on the Dark Side this week.

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