Thursday, January 22, 2004

More on the Dean Yell

Now I've gotten sucked into all the talk about Dr. Dean's "Yee-haw" moment. But  Garance Franke-Ruta of TAPPED was there in the ballroom. And she observes:

[O]ne thing about Howard Dean's full-throated cry during his concession/fight speech that hasn't been much discussed was that it was really loud in there at the Val Air Ballroom when he made his speech, which is something the TV mikes -- and hence film footage -- did not pick up.

So it's worth noting for the historical record that I -- and others -- could scarcely hear what Dean was saying on the stage from the press section in the back of the room because several thousand Deaniacs were making so much noise (Dean wasn't the only one screaming) and the acoustics in the room weren't very good. From inside the room, it seemed that he was feeding off the energy of a crowd that was cheering him on, and that they got louder and louder in concert with each other.

Given the setting, I find this entirely plausible. The fact that this was pumped up into a major "character story" is an illustration of the frivolity with which much of the mainstream press today approaches politics.

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