Thursday, January 29, 2004

"Spinoff" Journal

I created a separate AOL Journal for election-related posts but it will be a subset of this one (until further notice). In other words, I'm going to first post to this blog, and copy election-related ones over there.

It's called (what else?) Old Hickory's Election Page.

I was following up on a suggestion from AOL blog guru John Scalzi.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you doing the election news bit and hope they put you on "the Sideshow." Your analysis of the election issues is first-rate, even if you don't check in first with the Big Pundits.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're doing this, and I'm also glad you're going to post things here first! Let us know if you start writing unique messages for the election journal, okay? I would hate to miss ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...

me too me too, i'm glad you're doing this. i hoped you would when i read about it on By The Way. you're a firstrate commentator and analyst, and you deserve far wider recognition. i hope they put you right up front. i'll be watching for it.