Sunday, September 26, 2004

Chuckie Watch 67: Chuckie vs. immigrants (and Latino citizens)

Gov. Schwarzenegger isn't the only one who's suspicious of immigrants.  The "wrong" kind, of course.  Chuckie is also on the case: A Problem No One Wants To Face 09/24/04.

Ole Chuckie's ready to face it fearlessly, of course.  Cause Chuckie's been hearin' about all these here Mexicans coming across the border.  And Chuckie don't like it.

Now, Chuckie says he ain't bein' racist or nothin' about all this.  It's just that "the problem is that most of our politicians, and I’m speaking about both sides of the aisle, are too afraid of the Hispanic voting block to do anything about it."  If it weren't for all these American citizens with them funny surnames - you know, Gonzales and Montera and Gutierrez and things like that - we could just seal up that Mexican border right quick.

And because of all these Gonzaleses and stuff, "the problem will just become worse and worse, a self-proliferating conundrum with no end in sight."

Gosh, I guess Chuckie must have missed Chuckie Watch #2, where I tried to explain it to him:

What Chuckie doesn't say is what everyone in California has known for so long we hardly think about it.  California agribusiness is dependent on illegal immigrant labor.  Specifically illegal immigrant labor.  So are significant parts of the textile, construction, canning and personal services businesses. 

Most of those big growers who create the massive market for illegal immigration and the scandalous smuggling business that is an inevitable part of it are good Republicans, mostly Christian (although one may wonder about the depth of their religious convictions). And their faithful Republican politicians will go to the wall to block any actions that threaten to interfere with their market for illegal and underpaid labor.

Sure, some of them will back an immigrant-bashing measure like the notorious Proposition 187 several years ago. As long as, like that measure, it imposes hardships on individual immigrants and doesn't threaten their labor pool.

So if Chuckie wants to stop all this here illegal immigration, he needs to talk to his Christian Republican brothers and sisters among the big growers of California.

It looks like Chuckie's still stuck on this one.  But he must be proud of Gov. Schwarzenegger for being tougher on illegals than even Jeb Bush!


Anonymous said...

If Chuckie really wants this problem solved, why doesn't he call for stiffer penalties for growers and corporations who knowingly hire illegal immigrants at slave labor wages?  How about $500,000 penalty per incident?  Too much?  That's how much CBS paid for Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.

Anonymous said...

chuckie is a fucking asshole.....