Saturday, September 18, 2004

Chuckie Watch 65: Chuckie finds a Democratic politician he likes

Is there any need to say that it's Zell? (09/17/04)

I don't know if there's any commentary I could add that would say more than Chuckie himself does.  Here's a sample:

In this day and age when most political speeches are couched in politically correct terms with an all out effort to sidestep insult and offense, Zell Miller’s speech at the Republican National Convention was like a breath of hot fresh air.

He granted no amnesties, took no prisoners, made no apologies and laid it down strong and tight calling a spade a spade and a waffler a waffler, party be damned. ...

All in all I think it was the most honest, astute and meaningful speech I had ever heard at a party convention.

The notion of "a breath of hot fresh air" is an interesting turn of phrase.  Is that like sulphurous fumes hitting you in the face?

My own take on ole Zell's speech was kinda different than Chuckie's: Potemkin convention Day 3: Zell Miller puts on his clown act 09/02/04.

But I'm not surprised that Chuckie liked him.  They're on the same wavelength, for sure.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who Chuckie is, but Zell Miller has taken the position that it is unacceptable to criticize the President or to question any war once American Troops are engaged.

In short, Zell Miller thinks that opposition to Bush is a disloyal / treasonous act equivalent to opposition to America itself.

I don't like the way some Democrats call Ashcroft and other Republicans fascists or Nazi's, but the practice of calling your political critics traitors is a familiar strategy of totalitarianism.

For my money, if the President knew what Miller was going to say and put him on that podium anyway, then GW Bush is no friend of the Constitiution and we all ought to be afraid what he will do with four more years.

Anonymous said...

Chuckie is CHARLIE DANIELS, country music performer and the wannabe Nashville guru of Patriotic Correctness.  He's one of many who echo the same stuff you hear on rightwing radio.  I've been following his ditsy rants since I began this blog.

For more on Chuckie, you can check the Chuckie Watch Index:

Thanks for stopping by. - Bruce