Friday, September 17, 2004

Chuckie Watch 64: Chuckie names names - or at least, calls names

Chuckie's been gittin' hisself all in a snit lately over them terrorists.  You'd think bein' able to git together with his Republican buddies to play for them in New York a couple of weeks ago might have mellowed him out a bit.  No way!

Chuckie's been thankin' about Good Terrorists 09/10/04.  And you know what Chuckie means by that, of course:

The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.

And Chuckie's been thankin' about them there Muslims, too.  And Chuckie don't much like it that they ain't doin' more about this terrorism thang:

I want to see in print and on television the Islamic community in this country stand up and denounce Osama Bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, Hamas and all the rest of the murdering scum who take innocent lives in the name of their god.

Anything less is un-American. If Islam is truly a peaceful religion they should have no trouble at all doing that.

Now, Chuckie don't seem to have noticed that that's been happen' ever since 9/11.  But Chuckie's been busy, cranking out political philosophy.   Or, at least, thankin' up names to call them there terrorists in his Soapbox rants:  "unreasoning hate ... demonic fanatics ... unspeakable human garbage ... vermin ... mangy dogs ... murdering scum."

Yeah, boy, if we could beat them there terrorists by callin' 'em bad names, ole Chuckie woulda done done away with the whole lot of them, I tell you that!

And, yes, he's talking about The Terrorists, not the Democrats.  I mean, assuming he can tell the difference.

Chuckie goes in cycles, you know.  In the column before that one, he was writing about how nice it would be if people would be thoughtful enough not to litter the highways.  A few days later, he was on to unspeakable human garbage and murdering scum

And then ole Chuckie got to thankin' about Tragedy Remembered (09/13/04) and he got hisself even more fired up!

"Evil so demonic," is what Chuckie thanks this here terrorist thang's about.  (Maybe he's gittin' a little confused rehearsing "When the Devil Went Down to Georgia.")

And Chuckie ain't lettin' nobody confuse him by trying to mix him up on Chechnyan terrorists, Iraqi terrorists, Saudi terrorists, uh-unh.  Chuckie ain't letting nobody put sump'n' like that over on him:

Wake up Planet Earth, a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist no matter what their ethnic background and until they are destroyed down to the last scumbag there will be no safety for anybody.

That's what I like about Chuckie.  He keeps thangs simple.  A Terrorist is a Terrorist is a Terrorist.  And the only good Terrorist is a dead Terrorist.  Yeah, now I git the whole problem much better.

No they’re no different, they’re all murdering pieces of filth who will keep on plying their satanic trade until they are shot down like the rabid dogs that they are.

And the only way that will happen is for the world to get off its politically correct posterior and treat this problem like what it is, a danger to every free man, woman and child on earth.

Time to fight fire with fire.

My heart goes out to the families of the victims of 9-11. I have met some of them. They’re good family people, who didn’t deserve to lose their loved ones at the hands of these maggots.

Just give Chuckie a war to cheer for - as long as good Republicans are running it, of course - and he'll supply the insults.  Yee-haw!!  It's been a while since everybody could hate Commie maggots and Red pieces of filth.  (Don't tell Chuckie that they call Republicans the "red" party now, though; that might really confuse him.)

But now we've got terrorist maggots and Muslim pieces of filth to hate.  All in the spirit of Christian love, of course.  Chuckie's a big Christian, you know.  So his anger is righteous anger, you see.

So when he says "fight fire with fire," I guess that means he thinks we should start torturing terrorists and killing innocent Muslim kids and ... oh, wait, I guess that's kind of happening already in Iraq, huh?  Well, must be okay if Chuckie says so.  I mean, after all, they are murdering scum, un-American (aka, foreigners like them there French and Spanish), unreasoning haters, demonic fanatics, unspeakable human garbage, vermin, mangy dogs, murdering scum, scumbags, murdering pieces of filth and rabid dogs.  Oh, and maggots.

Yeah, I tell you what, them there Terrorists better not try to out-insult ole Chuckie!  Chuckie will show them what real name-calling is about.  (But maybe he should cut down on the caffeine a bit.)

Of course, if Chuckie had to explain just how the "catastrophic success" in Iraq that he's been cheering for all the way has turned in to such a miserable disaster, and how we've made ourself safer from The Terrorists by raising the hatred for America to unprecedented heights by the invasion, well, Chuckie might have to go back to talking about litter control on the highways.

It is kind of too bad, though, that our soldiers have to be fighting and dying in a hellhole like Iraq in a war that was never necessary so that Chuckie can feel good about practicing his insult words while he watches Fox News about how great everything's going in Iraq.

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