Friday, August 6, 2004

News Flash: Bush tells the truth!!

And you thought he couldn't pull it off!

Dear Leader Bush said in a speech:

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

The one time that Bush tells the straightforward truth in public, his spokesman Scott McClellan trotted out to say that our legitimate president didn't really mean it.

I believe it's called a "Freudian slip," Scott.

But Scotty made a Freudian slip of his own in trying to explain Bush's statement:

But the American people know this president speaks with clarity and conviction, and the terrorists know by his actions he means it.

On this occasion, Bush did speak with "clarity and conviction."  And the rest of us know he means it, too, Scotty.


Anonymous said...

This totally cracked me up:) I've only seen the sound bite, so I'm curious if he realized what he had said, and tried to correct it in any way? Was this a prepared speech, and if so, who wrote it?'s still a thing of beauty:)

Anonymous said...

It's quotes like that which almost won the election for him in 2000.  :)

Anonymous said...

That he could make such a slip and not catch it isn't really a surprise to EITHER side, is it?  My take on the matter:


Anonymous said...

You beat me to it.  I was about to post an entry on my political blog about this entitled, "For Once, the Truth".