Sunday, August 1, 2004

Chuckie Watch 58: Chuckie Luvs Bill Cosby

Ole Chuckie thanks Bill Cosby (07/23/04) has the right idea about all these here young black people.  And since it's a black person who's saying this stuff, no one can call Chuckie racist or nothin' for praising him, now can they?

In fact, Chuckie opens his Cosby column this way:

It’s almost impossible for anybody to say anything derogatory about the black community these days without being blasted as a bigot or a racist. It makes no difference how true the statements happen to be, the subject is totally taboo.

Whenever somebody starts off by saying something like, "Now, some people might think this is racist, but...", you pretty much know what's coming.

So if you guess what Chuckie has to say after that opening, you probably wouldn't be far from wrong.  Yep, Chuckie thinks these here young Nee-groes is lazy, irresponsible, criminal, slutty, have bad taste in music, and hang out on the street too much.  And their parents are bad parents, to boot. 

But Chuckie ain't no racist for bringin' all this up. No, cause he's just quotin' a famous African-American.  Ah mean, heck, if ole Chuckie could see anything good at all about black people, ah'm sure he would say that, too!

And I'm sure Chuckie didn't have nothing racial in mind when he posted this rant that I talked about last September, way back in Chuckie Watch 7.

And you’ve also heard the stories about the welfare mothers who have five different children by five different men and turns them out on the street to run wild and end up in jail by the time they’re teenagers and she gets a welfare allowance for each one of them.

Now I may be naive but I came up believing that social security and government assistance was supposed to be given to people in dire need and to help someone who was temporarily incapacitated get past a rough spot in the road, not freely doled out for a lifetime to people who have no inclination nor intention of making their own way. ...

Our politicians have once again sold the hard working people of this nation down the river by their ever increasing entitlement programs.

To say that this is asinine is like saying that Adolph Hitler was not a nice guy. It’s way past asinine, it’s criminal. They encouragethe very things which corrode the fabric of society. Teenagedmothers, out of wedlock birth, children who grow up wild on the street without parental guidance or nurturing and eventually end up behind bars or lying in a pool of blood in some intercity back alley.

The fact that it sounds like a standard bigot rant is, I'm sure, just a coincidence.  And, like the standard bigot, Chuckie didn't even seem to notice the draconian welfare reform that passed in the 1990s.  He just goes right on with his rant about unwed mothers in back alleys.

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