Saturday, July 16, 2005

Good question

Religious scholar Martin Marty describes a game he and his wife play that raises a very good question:

If you are not members of a military family, participants in military culture, or living near a military base: Aside from airport security line inconveniences, what signs -- anywhere, among anyone -- do you find that we are at war? Decals to "Support Our Troops" are cheap and meaningless. What are we doing without? The cynics (or realists) might say that our grandchildren will be inconvenienced by the debt we are amassing, but most of the action is as distant as the rationale is fading.

                              - from The Decline of Military Chaplaincy 07/11/05 Sightings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great question. I've been thinking about that one from time to time and I can't come up with anything. Everything is normal; war has become 'normal' and most people don't even seem to think about it much.  Kinda scary.
