Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Enough is enough!

This time they've gone too far!  Conservative maven and one-time scourge of so-called "political correctness" Dinesh D'Souza has finally gone off the deep end.  And sunk to the bottom.  He has a new book coming out in which he reveals that the real reason for the 9/11 attacks was ... Britney Spears!

The real reason the 9/11 attacks happened?

James Wolcott has the story in Ratfink writes new book 10/10/06 about the upcoming book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11:

The theme of the book is quite simple, and vile.

"In this book I make a claim that will seem startling at the outset. The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11." ...

"I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector [profiteers are always patriots, of course], and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world."

Note well: the primary cause. Not the treatment of the Palestinians, the caging and starving of those on the Gaza Strip, the hundreds of thousands of clusterbomb droplets left behind in Lebanon, the U.S. military bases on Arab soil, Abu Ghraib, the Mideast tyrannies propped up by American money and influence--these are secondary. Muslims are angry, D'Souza concedes, but they are mostly angry because their anger has been fueled and fanned by the cultural left. ...

The reason it hasn't been made before is that it's a sleazy, shameless, ignorant, ahistorical, tendentious, meretricious lie, one that was waiting for the right brazen liar to come along to promote it, and here he is, and his name is Dinesh D'Souza, who's fatuous and fuddy-duddyish enough to think that it's Britney Spears, the rap lyrics of 2 Live Crew, and the buggering photographs of the late Robert Mapplethorpe that have Islam in a tiz. This is someone so out of touch with pop culture that he thinks liberals look down on risque sitcoms like Will & Grace because "their moral depravity is not highbrow enough for their taste." Does that description fit anyone you know? D'Souza blunders on: "Sophisticated liberals prefer plays like The Mistress Cycle, described by New York Times reviewer Miriam Horn as featuring 'four women from remote places and times, all of whom have slept with men not their husbands."

No, I have no clue what "The Mistress Cycle" is, either.  Neither did Wolcott.  Shoot, I don't watch much on TV any more but Spanish-language telenovelas.  Tell me, do these look like advocates for Islamic jihad?

And to accuse a sweet, talented young mother and nice Southern Baptist lady like this ...

To accuse her of promoting Al Qaida is, well, like Wolcott says, "a sleazy, shameless, ignorant, ahistorical, tendentious, meretricious lie".  And poo on  Dinesh D'Souza for saying it.

Yes, Republicans can get this depraved.  How-low-can-they-sink?

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