Monday, December 12, 2005

Schwarzenegger and Tookie

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was first campaigning for governor of California and then got elected, he was celebrated by the press in Austria as kind of a national hero and success story.

But his embrace of the death penalty has cooled Austrians' enthusiasm for Arnie.  Der Standard (which has a thoroughly annoying little work-around you have to do to link directly to an article) reports on Schwarzenegger's decision to allow "Tookie's" execution to proceed: Keine Begnadigung für Todeskandidaten Williams 13.12.05. ("No clemency for execution candidate Williams")

This weekend, Der Standard was reporting on Mexico's decision to formally abolish the death penalty, noting that Mexico has not carried out capital punishment on anyone since 1961: Todesstrafe in Mexiko offiziell abgeschafft 10.12.05.

The execution decision also gets prominent play in Die Presse (Keine Gnade für Bandenchef Tookie Williams 13.12.05).

Of course, there is plenty of coverage here in California, as well:

Governor, Supreme Court Refuse to Halt Execution by Jenifer Warren and Maura Dolan Los Angeles Times 12/12/05

Governor Didn't Believe Williams Had Reformed by Henry Weinstein and Peter Nicholas Los Angeles Times 12/13/05

Californians react to clemency denial by Tyche Hendricks, Jason B. Johnson, James Sterngold, Rick DelVecchio and Glen Martin San Francisco Chronicle 12/12/05

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