Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Steve Gilliard on Bush's audience

Steve Gilliard has an intriguing post suggesting that Bush's immediate audience, selected to be a fitting backdrop for Warlord Bush, wasn't especially impressed with his speech Tuesday:  Lying to the troops 06/29/05.

All the White House wanted was a serious military audience. The problem is that it's also a smart military audience, with real-world experience. So they were respectful to Bush, but the audience was icy cold, smirks and tepid applause. And that was from an audience which wanted to listen to him, along with the families of the dead. By the end of it, only the Sergeant Majors were left to shake his hand. Men who have seen more combat than most other humans outside the Congo. And they knew he was full of [expletive deleted]. They talk to generals. It's part of their job. They know Bush lied to them. ...

If we lived in a country with shame, Bush should feel some while lying before some of America's bravest soldiers. [But] we knew he wouldn't before he opened his mouth.

But unless they were a freeper, they knew they had just sat through a bit of delusion which rivaled calls for Army Group Steiner to save Berlin.

Just what are we seeing here in the Iraq War?  How much wreckage, on how many fronts, is Warlord Bush going to leave behind as he carries on his grand Mesopotamian crusade?

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