Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Dick Durbin's apology

I'm with Steve Gillard on this one: Don't ask for my help again 06/22/05:

It is that kind of continued gutllessness in the face of rank GOP corruption which enrages many Democrats. We are tired of leaders who will not fight, especially when 15 or so of your collegues can take a pro-lynching stand and have nothing to pay for. Hey, it was just dead black people, so what if 15 Senators didn't have the decency to say lynching was wrong. I bet you'll all have a good chuckle over some Navy Bean Soup in the Senate Dining Room. The GOP can take the most outrageous stands, be totally protected by the media, and you people refuse to actially call them on their antics.

We both know the defense of torture at Guantรกnamo is reprehenshible, the report you read from came from an FBI agent. Yet because you lost your nerve, you became the issue and not the report. We know most service members are not torturers. But there are those that are and who shame this country and we need to acknowledge that.

People were ready to stand up for you, it's a shame you wouldn't stand up for yourself.


Anonymous said...

His apology was pathetic, and worse than none at all.  He needs better advice.


Anonymous said...

Better advice, yes.  And maybe someone could clone a backbone for him at the same time. - Bruce

Anonymous said...

You are aware that Robert Byrd was in the KKK...uh I believe he is a democrat. Who gets a pass on that???

Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah, Robert Byrd was in the Ku Klux Klan about 100 years ago.  What that has to do with Dick Durbin and the torture scandal, I have no idea. - Bruce