Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Republicans' burning love for the flag

The Reps are back with one of their most favorite hobby-horses, the Flag Burning Amendment. Or rather, the Anti-Flag Burning Amendment.

House Republican Conference Chair, Deborah Pryce of Ohio, set the appropriate patriotic, bipartisan tone that you would expect from Republicans trying to show how much they love their country in this was:

You know, this is probably as relevant to people's lives now as any other time because of what's going on with Democrats putting everybody in the world before our soldiers and the American safety. They're so worried about what's going on at Guantanamo Bay. And the flag has a place in that debate. (Into the Mix: A Ban on Flag Desecration by Mike Allen Washington Post 06/22/05)

I used to think this was a bad idea, restricting the First Amendment and all. But after the 9/11 attacks, I changed my mind. Now I think this amendment would be a great idea, but only if one condition was added. The condition would be that the amendment also make it a federal crime for anyone to disply the American flag or any likeness of it unless they had documentary proof that they voted in at least one of the two previous general elections in their jurisdiction.

If we're going to make the American flag an idol with the Constitution protecting it against physical desecration, we should restrict its public veneration to only those who at least care enough about their country and their community to vote in general elections.


Anonymous said...

I think there also should be a test for those who wish to fly a flag...I think theres more to it than run it up the pole...I see the flag flying all night in the dark ....through pouring many of these flag flying idiots do you think know anything about how to properly fold a flag.There is a several ways to desecrate a flag....I guess I have seen just about everyone in the last few years..not one flag burning though....

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea, what's next? Why not forbid burning a copy of the Constitution, or maybe the Bible? How about State flags, Confederate flags or the Quoran? I can see this getting real silly. Where do we stop? I've never known anyone to burn the flag but if they did who cares? It is there flag, not ours or mine, they bought and paid for it, not you or me. If they want to waste their money that is their right.  There are a lot of flags around to replace the one (if there was one) that got burned. Get over it you pseudo patriots who always go around with flags on your  cars and stickers saying "support the troops". A real  Patriot stands for a lot more than worrying what someone else is doing or saying that offends their beliefs or ideas. This would be the first amendment that restricts the people rather than the government since probibition, and we repealed that one. Grow up you small minded "patriots" and get a life. I am, without apology, Mike Kelly, your only source of alternative news and original thought.

Anonymous said...

Why have an Amendment. I think the solution should be an amendment that would allow people to not be charged or arrested for kisking the shit out of anyone burning a flag.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of "kisking" before.  But it sounds nasty, whatever it is. - Bruce

Anonymous said...

Just another little bit of pecking away at the First Amendment. rich