Thursday, June 30, 2005

Iraq War: One glimpse at the real, existing war

All I can say is, go read this story: From Iraq, a soldier/father's perspective on the war by Joe Galloway Knight-Ridder 06/14/05.

This is a soldier's account of an incident of which he was a part in Iraq. Anyone who believes that war is glamorous - for the soldiers who have to fight it - should read this story about ten times to see if they can find any glamor in it.

Notice that the soldier is not expressing opposition to the war itself, or condemning any of the participants. Tragic as the events are, there is no indication that there was any kind of deliberate misconduct or even carelessness.

But I have to wonder if anyone involved in this incident would agree with President Bush's assertion in his speech last Tuesday, "there is no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces." A person can be a perfectly good soldier and do his duty conscientiously, and still wind up with memories that will haunt him all his life.  (See the following post for another reaction to that line.)

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