Sunday, January 9, 2005

Chuckie Watch 82: Chuckie says the tsunami was sent by Jesus to help Israel

Or something like that.  It's kind of scary when Chuckie starts gittin' cosmic like he does in Signs of the Times 01/07/05.

Chuckie's real impressed with how bad the tsunami was.  And he says it's all in the Bible, talking about the "catastrophic times in the last days of human history."

But Chuckie don't dwell long on, you know, the human suffering involved in the current natural catastrophe in Asia.  According to the people Chuckie knows, it's all just God's way of telling everybody to git saved, and also to kill A-rabs.  Chuckie says:

It's just from what I understand from my Bible and people whose opinions I deeply respect I believe that something has been set in motion that cannot be reversed.

I believe that this generation will see and experience things never before witnessed on this planet. Some wonderful and some horrible.

The day is coming when the Islamic nations will gather together and come against Israel and one of my main concerns for America is where we will stand when that happens. Will we stand with Israel or will we go to the United Nations and pass a resolution condemning the invaders?

I believe that the fate of America could well be tied to this one decision.

Well, Chuckie, since Israel has a few dozen nuclear weapons - you know, real weapons of mass destruction - we probably ain't gonna see that massive Muslim coalition invading Israel any time soon.  I'm sure those people who Chuckie deeply respects will be sort of disappointed to hear that.

Chuckie, how come all those fundamentalists 20 and 30 years ago were convinced that it was going to be the Communists coming after Israel?  Now its them there Muslims?  The one who just happen to be the current bogeymen of the rightwingers who want endless war and limitless military spending?

Did you ever think that these conveniently current interpretations of Biblical prophecy that just happen to support the rightwing Republican obsession of the moment might just be a lot of hoo-hah intended to scam gullible blowhard white guys?

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