Thursday, January 20, 2005

Bush inaugurated again

You can read the full text of Bush's 27-minute address on Thursday.  But for those on the run, I've written up the short version:

"We are gathered here today to thank God that he has made me Bush the Magnificent, Liberator of Peoples and Hooder of the Unrighteous.

"We are smiting the heathen as the wrath of the LORD demands of us.

"Like Elijah, I have brought down the fire of Jehovah on their sinful heads, yea, verily, I have brought the flames of the Almighty to consume the heathen priests, and all the nekkid pagan dancers who serve them.

"And we will continue forward, my subjects, with our glorious mission.  And surely the heathen foe will tremble in his caves and his dens of iniquity for fear of our justice.

"For God, yea, even the God of Abraham, the LORD, the Terror of Isaac, has annointed me to be the Hammer of His Vengeance, and his Prophet to all the peoples of the earth.  And my judgments are righteous altogether, from the mountains of Tora Bora to the bowels of Abu Ghuraib.

"We will carry our divine mission to all the ends of the earth, and bring the light of freedom and godliness to the wretched pagans, groaning in their ignorance and their rejection of the LORD and his Prophet.  

"For mine are the wars, the bombing and the torture, for all the next four years.  Amen."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO, that was great, Bruce.  Thanks for the wonderful entry.
