Friday, December 19, 2003

Iraq War: A Freeper Speaks (Pt. 3 of 5)

(Cont. from Part 2) At a high level, the problem with that idea is that a long war, costly in lives and dollars, does not fit with the politics of the "culture of contentment." The Republican Party in particular makes its main purpose to comfort the comfortable. Long, nasty wars of vague purpose that offer only uncertain, ambiguous outcomes do not fit into the preferred framework of contentment. As we'll see, even Card is not content.

Despite the superficial bluster, this article is one in which we can see pretty clearly the "stab-in-the-back" theory being prepared. Because it's very unlikely that the outcome of the Iraq War will be one that most Americans can feel good about. We already had the victory celebration, which was Bush's Sheriff Top Gun performance on the Abraham Lincoln on May 1, when "Mission Accomplished!" was the slogan of the day. It's pretty much downhill from there.

But we're unlikely to hear the Freeper crowd say, "You know, we supported this war. But we were snookered like fools about the weapons of mass destruction. The war in Iraq turned out to be lots more complicated than we thought. And it increased the danger of terrorism to Americans, not decreased it. We were wrong to support that war."

No, the Freepers will say something more like, "We were winning, but it was that Democrat Party that stabbed us in the back!"

Card claims that American who aren't sufficiently enthusiastic for the war are trying to "promote our defeat at the hands of our enemies." But he says that he himself is "a critic of some aspects of the war."

Indeed he is! A few paragraphs later, Card criticizes our Glorious Leader Bush, Liberator of Oppressed Peoples, for going to war against Afghanistan and Iraq when he did! That's right, he actually criticizes Bush the Magnificent, Scourge of the Heathen!

(Cont. in Part 4)


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