Monday, December 15, 2003

Chuckie Watch 23: Chuckie's Christmas Greetings to the Soldiers

Actually, it's to To America's Sons And Daughters Who So Bravely And Honorably Serve Our Nation In Our Time Of Crisis . And that's just the platitudes in the title.

I don't know if this is Chuckie's final message before Christmas or not. He isn't back completely on the Dark Side quite yet. But ole Chuckie just couldn't make a tribute to our soldiers without throwing in some partisan cant:

<< A grateful Nation salutes you and supports you and no biased media coverage, no panty waist demonstrations and no slanted words from overly ambitious, self serving, empty headed politicians can change that fact.

<< Please take it from one who travels this country from coast to coast and border to border that the support for the military is real, solid and nationwide. You won't see it on the evening news, but take it from one who knows, it's there. >>

Just guessing here. But I'm thinking that by "overly ambitious, self serving, empty headed politicians" he didn't have Bush and Rummy in mind. And I hear about support for our troops in the news all the time. But I don't watch Fox News, as a rule. Maybe they don't talk about it there.

Chuckie philosophizes a bit: "The people of America realize that it's not the media but our warriors who keep us free." There's so many ways we could go with that one...

"May the spirit of the Christ Child abide with you all," he says. Presumably Chuckie don't figure that the Christ Child would have nothin' to do with no "panty waist" demonstrators. Chuckie's been on a linguistic roll, so he has dug up the phrase "panty waist." I know it means "sissy." But I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say that out loud. I seem to remember characters in the comic books using it, though.

I ususally link to the print version of Chuckie's Soapbox rants. But check out the ghastly red-and-white-on-green Christmas graphics at the main Soapbox site. The main site is usually hard to read anyway. Physically, I mean. The content is always hard to read. But this Christmas version will just make you queasy.

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