Friday, October 15, 2004

This looks ominous

I'm on some Republican Party e-mail list.  Probably because of all the nice things I say about the Grand Old Party on my blog.

I just got one from Tom Josefiak, General Counsel for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign.  No, they aren't threatening to sue me for criticizing Bush the Magnificent.  Heck, I could probably get a paying writing gig out of that!

The e-mail title was, "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Recount."

Yeah, if they can just get this election in front of the Supreme Court's Scalia Five just like last time, Bush won't have to spend every waking hour between Thanksgiving and Christmas working on pardons for various officials in his administration to shield them from prosecution after he leaves office.

Among other things, the e-mail says:

The election of 2000 was difficult not just for the campaigns but for our country.  Florida became the center of a battle for our Democracy.  This year, I am concerned about similar efforts by those who would try to adjust the outcome of the election after the polls have closed.  This year we may face similar fights not just in Florida, but in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico and other critical states.

This election may be like the candidates' debates.  The debate only begins the process; it's what happens the few days afterward that is decisive.

But he's right about one thing.  (I'm so open-minded I can agree with Republicans!)  Florida did become a battle center for Democracy in 2000.  Bush won, Democracy lost.  Actually, Gore won Florida, too.  But Bush won the Scalia Five.

I'm expecting to hear a news report any moment that John Ashcroft has just received highly credible information that Al Qaeda is planning massive attacks on minority voting precincts on Election Day in several states.  Like, say, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico.  And that guarding against it will require having heavily-armed white security guards protecting those voting places on Election Day.

Did Glorious Leader Bush, Liberator of Peoples and Scourge of the Heathen, imagine that two weeks before the election his campaign wouldbe promoting the slogan, "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Recount"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some time back I wrote a humorous article about Republican Email:

I'm still getting it and I also get some from the Democrats.  All ask for money, but there is always an ominous tone to much of the Republican Email.

They are often filled with phrases such as this:

The Kerry campaign is relying on a web of shadowy organizations to carry him to victory.  We're relying on you!  Will you be the difference and commit to helping President Bush in the final 72 hours?

Of course who knows?  It could be several states that face recounts this year.  The Secretary of State of Ohio, Ken Blackwell has been taking ideas from the Jeb Bush election handbook.  Now we have this deal in some states where Democratic registrations were thrown away or shredded.  Anyway, it's nice to see they are concerned.