Saturday, October 16, 2004

I believe this is what is known as a "Freudian slip"

Bush once again accidentally lets something true slip out of his mouth during a political speech but quickly corrects himself:  Bush, Kerry sharpen attacks on the campaign trail by Knight-Ridder 10/16/04.

He said that, after a debate with Kerry, "I made it very plain. We will not have an all-volunteer army." The crowd fell silent. "WE WILL have an all-volunteer army," Bush said, quickly catching himself. "Let me restate that. We will not have a draft." (my emphasis)

Via Duncan Black (Atrios).

This was a speech in Florida.  I don't know if it was screened in the way almost all of Bush's "public" campaign speeches have been, to guarantee a crowd of essentially all Bush supporters.  Though presumably it was mostly Bush supporters there in any case.

But it sounds like it made for a pretty dramatic moment:  "The crowd fell silent."  Even a crowd of loyal Bush supporters was stunned by that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they should be scared -- they should be very scared.

The crowd was screened to ensure only people so stupid they are still supporting Bush would be present, but for a moment the lights came on and they saw something that scared them.

Then they each reached inside their tiny little heads and turned the lights off.

And no matter how scary Bush is, they will vote for him on November 2nd.  America is lucky that we are rich and powerful, because we can be very stupid.  
