Monday, May 3, 2004

Iraq War: Neocons conned?

Elaborating on this article at, How Ahmed Chalabi conned the neocons 05/03/04, Josh Marshall writes:

In the popular political imagination we're familiar with the neocons as conniving militarists, masters of intrigue and cabals, graspers for the oil supplies of the world, and all the rest. But here we have them in what I suspect is the truest light: as college kid rubes who head out for a weekend in Vegas, get scammed out of their money by a two-bit hustler on the first night and then get played for fools by a couple hookers who leave them naked and handcuffed to their hotel beds.

As I mentioned in a recent post, in looking at government decisions, including those involving war, don't rule out incompetence or just plain stupidity as possible causes of disasters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard Josh Marshall today for a few minutes on Air America.  He paints Chalabi as quite the con man.  Very interesting listening.