Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Historical Notes

One of the more intriguing blog entries I've seen lately is from AOL-J'er FDTate313: A Strange Little Controversy.  It's about Bush's nomination of Allen Weinstein to be the Archivist of the United States.  Weinstein became famous as an historian with his book Perjury (1978)about the Alger Hiss spy case.  Now it appears there is some intrigue surrounding this nomination.

AOL-J'er Charlie Eklund takes on one of my favorite themes: what caused American Civil War: States' Rights Indeed...One States' Right in Particular, More Like.  He's referring to a long blog entry from Steven den Beste on the topic, and Charlie comments:

Whenever I find myself in a discussion about the root causes of the Civil War that is the point I strive to make. Without the issue of slavery, there would have been no Civil War. All other disagreements over states' rights versus federal power paled in comparison to this one central issue, which some have called America's "Original Sin". Indeed, the very idea of slavery is so repugnant that it is difficult to reconcile the contradictions between the notion that our founders believed that all men were created equal yet still that certain among us had a right to own others. A right to own other people. Amazing.

And Hesiod in a 05/10/04 post offers some useful perspective on major milestones in the movement against the Vietnam War in the United States.

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