Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Spanish election polling data

Of course, in the postmodern age of Bush the Younger, we don't have to worry about petty facts taking the fun out of spinning everything that happens to fit with our ideological slogans for the moment.

But Kevin Drum shows a glimpse of what political analysis might be like if people actually paid attention to what happened before they construct their spin. He lays out in English some of the polling data on the Spanish election.

It seems pretty clear from these figures that, to the extent that the 11-M attacks affected the election's outcome at all, the effect was more a function of the conservative Aznar government's misbegotten attempt to manipulate the attacks to their own electoral favor.

But I'm sure the Republicans will keep on moaning and groaning about how the Spanish are wimps who surrendered to terrorism and voted for al-Qaeda.

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