Thursday, March 4, 2004

Chuckie Watch 36: Chuckie's Goin' to the Movies

And he's gone see The Passion on Friday:  Wondering. But Chuckie's obviously been thinking of this a lot.

Chuckie's already pretty sure it ain't too violent for him. He's already confident that it's accurate according to the Gospels: "I think that if you read the Scriptures, you’ll find out just how historically accurate Mr. Gibson’s movie is." Something tells me Chuckie hasn't spent a lot of time reading the 19th-century mystic Catherine Emmerich, whose work heavily influenced Gibson's version of events.

And all this worry about anti-Semitism? Ah, that don't bother Chuckie none. Chuckie says, now I ain't no anti-Sem-ite, but ...

Well history is history and the Jewish leaders of the day did deliver Jesus up to Pontius Pilate to be crucified. Pilate even tried to release Jesus but the crowd chose Barabbas over Jesus to be released, thereby condemning him to crucifixion.

I’ve known this almost all my life and I am not an anti-Semite. If you’ve ever read this column you know that I take a very pro Israeli stand.

Chuckie actually manages to mention "the Jews" fairly often in his twice-weekly rants. He sure spends a lot of time denying that he's anti-Semitic. And defending people against accusations that they're anti-Semitic. I don't think Chuckie really spends a lot of time worrying about ecumenical theology.

But he promises to git back to us after he's seen the film. And he leaves us with a touch of Biblical scholarship. He says that we were all responsible for putting Jesus on the cross. For a reference he says, "Read John 3:16." Which actually says nothing about the cross, sin or who is responsible for Roman executions. Maybe Chuckie'll git back to us on that, too.

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