Saturday, October 4, 2003

Wilson/Plame Scandal: Other Weblogs on the CIA Front Company Story

Several other Weblogs are weighing in about the exposure of the CIA front company. And not all of them were as restrained as my previous post, especially about Robert Novak.

CalPundit (Kevin Drum):

Well, why would anyone feed Robert Novak information about a CIA front company just so that he can make the point on national TV that Valerie Plame is a Democrat? Is it really worth doing that just to add minutely to the Republican meme that this is all a partisan feud rather than a genuine national security matter?

Why indeed. The bottom line, I think, is that these guys just don't care. When it comes to dealing with enemies, they lash out with everything they've got no matter how trivial it is and no matter what collateral damage it might cause. There's just no sense of proportion at all.


So way to go, Bob! You've not only outed one of the CIA's leading agents in the field of WMD nonproliferation, you just made doubly sure that her front company was exposed, too! ...

Welcome to the complete and total abasement of the Republican Party. By now there must be tears rolling down the cheeks of that statue of Lincoln out at the Lincoln Memorial.

Josh Marshall hasn't commented on this story yet, but I expect he will. Marshall's has been the blog to watch on this story. (Later addition: Marshall's post on this particular story.)

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