Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tom Engelhardt on the media and "good news" from Iraq

Discussing Deadeye Dick's recent comment that his Iraq War whoppers (the insurgency is in its "last throes", etc.) "were basically accurate and reflect reality", Tom Engelhardt takes off on Deadeye's attempt to blame everything on the Liberal Press:

This was Cheney's version of an ongoing litany of not-enough-good-news complaints from officials of the Bush administration who are already preparing their (media) stab-in-the-back/we-lost-the-war-at-home arguments to cover their Iraqi disaster. ("A few violent people can always grab headlines and can always kill innocent people" was the way Condoleezza Rice put it on Meet the Press Sunday.) Missing, they regularly claim, are those quiet, behind-the-scenes stories of what's really happening in Iraqi life. They imagines [sic] such missing "good news" reports as like those the U.S. Central Command regularly sends out in its weekly electronic newsletter with headlines like "Darkhorse Marines Deliver Wheelchair to Iraqi Girl" and "Bridge Reopens over Euphrates River." (From Michael Schwartz on Why the Media Gets the War Wrong 03/29/06)

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