Friday, March 24, 2006

Blogging German-American relations and a post on Tony Judt

The folks at the Atlantic Review blog are doing a great job using the "blog carnival" approach to publicize blogs that deal with German-American relations in the broadest sense.

They do the blog carnival quarterly, in conjunction with other blogs.  The March one goes up tomorrow.

One of the blogs I discovered from the December carnival is Dialog International.

Dvicker2 posted on Friday about Tony Judt and his comments in an interview with the "neo-fascist weekly Junge Freiheit" (which is a fair description of that notorious publication): Open Letter to Tony Judt 03/24/06.  He praises Judt's current book Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945.  I quoted Judt a few days ago on McCarthyism.

Dvicker's comments on Junge Freiheit give a good glimpse of the sort of arguments that the radical right in Germany and Austria make these days:

Junge Freiheit stands for the opposite of a free and peaceful European Union, the birth of which you [Tony Judt] describe so vividly in your book.  On the contrary, JF promotes a reactionary völkisch nationalism that seeks to turn back history to a prewar era.  Here are some other considerations concerning JF:

* JF consistently relativizes the crimes of the holocaust by equating them to the firebombing of German cities in WWII.

* JF is hostile to women's rights - promoting a retrograde Kinder, Kueche, Kirche [children, kitchen, church] mentality. The basic complaint of the editors of JF is that Muslim women are outbreeding German women in Germany, which will lead to racial and cultural calamity.

* JF is a racist publication. During the Katrina crisis they blamed the chaos of the reovery effort on the victims of the hurricane - the "blacks" - rather than on the incompetence of the local and federal officials.  The lack of a "racial homogeneity" in the United States was the root cause of the human disaster.

He notes at the bottom of the post that Judt has replied directly to him, and he is requesting Judt's permission to post his response.

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