Saturday, February 11, 2006

Chuckie Watch 118: Chuckie vs. rioting Muslims

Further boosting my claim to be one of the world's leading experts on ChuckieThought, can I call 'em, or what?  In Chuckie Watch 117 the other day, I said: I shore hope Chuckie's gone tell us next what he thaks of all these here Muslims gittin' all upset about cartoons!

And shore enough, ole Chuckie's gittin' hisself all worked up about them there rioting Muslims in Wake Up Call For Planet Earth 02/10/06.

Chuckie says pretty much what you would expect from a mean, narrow-minded old blowhard white guy:

The problem is that every time any society gives these maniacs [Chuckie means Muslims] an inch, it is an inch that will have to be taken back in blood. These people aren’t playing and sometimes I get the impression that the non-Islamic world is.

Islam a “peaceful religion”? Come on Mr. President, get somebody to get you a copy of the Koran. If Islam is a peaceful religion it’s peaceful practitioners are sure crawling under a rock while the unpeaceful ones are setting fire to embassies and blowing up innocent citizens on Israeli busses.

Wake up Planet Earth, these people don’t want equality, they want to take over your country and your life, they’ll settle for nothing less than total global domination and you can believe that now or you can believe it later, but believe you me, one day you will believe it.

Chuckie works more in the OxyContin-radio mode than, say, the Victor Davis Hanson approach. In other words, Chuckie just spews without much bothering to dress it up with phony historical analogies. Too bad. It would be fun to see Chuckie explain something like the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s.

This one makes me curious again about what particular weird variety of Protestant fundamentalism it is that Chuckie's involved with. For instance, he uses the name "Jehovah" for God, sometimes even "Jehovah God", as I recall. This is an old-fashioned habit, even among fundamentalists, although maybe it's still much more common in rural areas than I realize.

By the end of his column, he's off into some wild rant about how Israel will last forever and is going to slaughter millions of people 'cause the Bible tells him so. Or Jehovah will slaughter millions for them, or something.  And this is supposed to be a pro-Israel perspective, although it doesn't sound like such a cheerful picture of Israel to me.

He ends by citing Ezekiel 38 and 39 as his authority for some part of this, it's not exactly clear what. Those two chapters are an apocalyptic interlude in the Hebrew Bible's book of the prophet Ezekiel, in which the evil forces of "Gog" and "Magog" attack Israel and are ultimately defeated. Fundamentalists of the "premillenarian" variety have experienced much gnashing of teeth over who Gog and Magog might be. The Soviet Union was a favorite candidate for a long time. But that doesn't work so well now, I guess.

Apocalyptic images portray Good and Evil in decisive battle. It's useful for guys like Chuckie who like to see things in stark us-vs.-them, good-vs.-evil terms. Also ones that like to fantasize about mass slaughter of the Evil People.  And when you have a wise Christian Republican White People's Party to tell you who the Evil People are at any point in time, it makes it that much easier.

One of the commenters on that post going by Soanez includes these words of praise for Chuckie:

I have nothing but respect for your incite and articulation abilities. You rate right up there with Rush, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly as honorable U.S. Patriots, in my humble opinion.

Yep, that's our guy Chuckie!  I love that "respect for your incite".  A Freudian slip? Or just bad spelling?

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