Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Chuckie Watch 117: Chuckie gits outraged

Well, Chuckie's done heard about that there cartoon by Totally Tasteless Tom Toles 02/06/06.  You know, the one that the Joint Chiefs did their bitch-and-moan-and-whine act about?  While the Army was billing Eddie Rebrook $700 for the body armor that was destroyed when Rebrook was wounded in Iraq badly enough that he had to be discharged from the service?

Well, Chuckie's heard about that same cartoon.

And Chuckie don't like it.

Chuckie says (extracting the key quotes here):

... garbage and scum  ... reprehensible ... the lowest form of yellow journalism, in fact, its goes past yellow to pus colored ... sickening a new low for even the Washington Post ... Toles and the Washington Post owe an apology to every veteran, every active service man and woman, every parent, child, aunt, uncle or friend of anyone who is or has served in uniform ... not funny ... downright pathetic ... a depraved sorry excuse for a human being ... a young man whose desert boots you’re not worthy to lick ...  pitiful piece of trash ... tasteless, ... cruel and totally unnessary... You ... demean heroes ... downright disgusted ... your piece of disgusting folly ... garbage.

I especially liked this part:

About the only ones who liked your pitiful piece of trash are people like Osama bin Ladin. I’m quite sure him and his ilk got a big charge out of it. But you don’t care do you Mr. Toles? As long as you can strike a blow against the Bush Administration and that’s definitely what this is, a thinly veiled slur at the present government.

Gol-lee, Chuckie, you thank Tom Toles meant to criticize the Bush administration?  Why, dad-gum, I would'a never thought 'a that!  And yore right about Bin Laden, ah'm shore, Chuckie.  Him got a big charge out of it, just like you said.

I shore hope Chuckie's gone tell us next what he thaks of all these here Muslims gittin' all upset about cartoons!

Chuckie's probably relieved for the exciting news.  He'd been gittin' pretty bored with the current fare on FOX  News, I guess.  Not long ago he was ready for a brand new war with Iran to keep him and the other fat, nasty white guys entertained with they git the latest from Bill O'Reilly and Mr. OxyContin.  From Dangerous World 01/27/06.

Something needs to be done immediately. Every day we give these maniacs [in Iran] moves them another day closer to wreaking havoc on all Planet Earth. This is not just another story you see on the news and forget about. There will be serious trouble over this situation before it’s over. Either they will be allowed to develop and use their weapons of mass destruction or somebody will be sensible enough and brave enough to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities and prevent this catastrophe in the making.

It’s time for action not words. It’s time for common sense not political correctness, courage not cowardice, leaders instead of followers. This should not have to be a unilateral action for Israel. They need help, let’s give it to them.

No, we wouldn't want Chuckie to git bored having to watch the same old war in Iraq all the time.  He needs to see some variety.  Otherwise he might go out and protest in the street over cartoons or something.

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