Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Avoid bloggers for your own good, Moonie Times advises Democrats

Jim Geraghty in the Washington Times writes about The growing role of bloggers 02/08/06.

At this writing, that link includes a photo of a Mad Annie Coulter wannabee modeling a T-shirt with the logo "Defeat Hillary", with a Soviet-style hammer-and-sickle between "Defeat" and "Hillary".  Rightwing McCarthyism?  A Commie slogan about how Hillary is a lackey of the capitalist class?  I report, you decide.

The point of Geraghty's article: conservative bloggers good, liberal ("lefty") bloggers bad.  So Democrats, for your own good, pay no attention to those Democratic netroots on the blogs talking and raising money for Democratic candidates and doing megahours of research on issues without costing the Democratic Party and dime.  No, no, if you want to beat Republican candidates, you don't want to be paying attention to those liberal blogs, no sire.

I heard about the story from a post by John Aravosis of America Blog.  He didn't actually link to it because, he says, "I don't like linking to party organs run by religious cults."

He continues:

So when is the last time the Washington Times tried to give the Democrats sincere and honest advice as to how to win?

Enough said. If the Moonie paper is suggesting the Democrats run from the blogs, then it's because the Moonie paper thinks the blogs are an incredible asset to the Democratic party and pose an incredible danger to the Republicans.

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