Monday, April 12, 2004

A Kerry-McCain Ticket?

The Pessimist at the Left Coaster blog reports on John McCain's Meet the Press interview this past weekend.  I think Pessimist hits the nail on the head about the talk about McCain as Kerry's running mate:

After seeing this performance of McCain's, it would behoove the Kerry people to get realistic and forget about a dream ticket of Kerry/McCain. It ain't gonna happen. Better they get serious about finding a good choice from among the other candidates, or from someone not yet considered who would be a good addition to the ticket. While some of the polls show John F. Kerry with a good lead this weekend, it's still a long way to November. And despite all of our wishes to the contrary, Bush still has a lot of support in this country and still has the potential to win, especially if John F. Kerry doesn't get back on the ball and take the campaign where it needs to go - forcefully!

McCain as a candidate has a lot of attractive qualities.  But there are two which make him ill-suited to be John Kerry's running mate.  One is that he's, well, a Republican!  The other is that he's been in favor of the Iraq War all along.  It almost goes without saying that he's more of a pragmatist and a realist than the Bush team on foreign policy.  But he sounds like he's going to be a bitter-ender on the Iraq War.

Kerry has to go after Bush on the war, big time.  Having a prowar Republican as his running mate just doesn't make any kind of sense to me.  I hope that talk was just a publicity stunt.

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