Sunday, December 7, 2003

Iraq War: Why Do They Say Things Like This? (Pt. 1 of 2)

I am genuinely surprised at the extent to which it seems that the lesson our military leaders seem to have learned from Vietnam about war and public opinion is that they just need to pursue deception and happy talk and PR diligently.

I sincerely hope there are some who learned something more constructive. But their influence doesn't seem to be much in evidence right now:

Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten Grip on Iraqi Towns New York Times 12/07/03

<< Speaking today in Baghdad, General [Ricardo] Sanchez [top US military commander in Iraq] said attacks on allied forces or gunfights with adversaries across Iraq had dropped to under 20 a day from 40 a day two weeks ago.

<< "We've considerably pushed back the numbers of engagements against coalition forces," he said. "We've been hitting back pretty hard. We've forced them to slow down the pace of their operations." >>

(Cont. in Part 2)


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