Friday, December 26, 2003


The onset of the holidays seemed to have inspired a couple of my favorite bloggers to do analyses of the "neoconservatives" (aka "neocons" for short). Here are two from Billmon:

Twilight of the Neocons? 12/23/03
What is a Neocon? 12/24/03

The first of these has a particularly memorable phrase. He says of the Goldwater conservatives of 1964 that their foreign policy was "one long howl of rage."

Kevin "CalPundit" Drum also tackled the subject:

Neocon Singlemindedness 12/24/03

The Christian Science Monitor has a helpful site giving brief profiles of the leading "neoconservatives":

Empire Builders: Neoconservatives and their blueprint for US power

A recent article in the liberal American Prospect challenges the neocon view of the Cold War:

The -Ism That Failed 12/01/03 issue


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