Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Chuckie Watch 119: Chuckie gits worked up

In my last post, I was quoting an inspired description of the stereotypical couch-potato warmonger.  And it reminded me that we ain't checked in on Chuckie in a while.  Since February, actually.

So, I was thinking, with the Republicans going all out to fire up the "angry white guy" vote, Chuckie must be pretty fired up about now.

And shore nuff, in Chuckie's Fourth of July Thoughts 07/03/06 (I guess that makes them actually Third of July thoughts, but we git the idea), he's on a roll.  You might say Chuckie pretty near has bile squirting out of both ears.

Chuckie's been hearin' about this here New York Times problem.

And Chuckie don't like it.

Even as much as the New York Times hates George Bush and America I can’t understand why they would put themselves and all America in jeopardy by printing sensitive material such as this. Do they think that the  New York Times building is invulnerable from these crazed fanatics?

I guess it will never be known how many American servicemen’s lives will be lost because they printed that article. Money is the lifeblood of al Qaida and the other fanatical Islamic crazies who are killing our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They call it Freedom Of The Press, I call it treason.

Yeah, all this here freedom of the press crap, what's that got to do with Independence Day?  Chuckie knows that what makes Amurca great is goin' to war and killin' foreigners.  Anythang else is just treason, dad-burn it!

Somehow, though, Chuckie's ranting doesn't sound that much different than what the "respectable" Republican pundits and propagandists are saying.  Funny about that.

But ole Chuckie, he knows who the real enemy is, cause, you know, Chuckie knows about these thangs:

But we can win that war, it’s going to take vigilence, sacrifice and dedication but we can beat the terrorists.

What really worries me is the war we are losing at home with an out of control media and politically motivated, self-serving politicians who care for nothing except gaining or maintaining power.

Yeah, The Terrorists are a bunch of wusses, we'll just roll right over them.  But these here liberals and stuff who believe in freedom of the press and speech and religion and the like, now them people are a serious danger to Amurca.

Also, Chuckie is worried about these here politicians who don't agree with Dear Leader Bush:

If anything makes me sick, it’s the mealy-mouthed politicians who run around the world blasting the nation they are supposed to be serving. They all say, “I’m against the war, but I’m for the troops.”

No you’re not for the troops, you’re only for a political party or the furtherance of your own stupid and selfish political ambitions and what you’ve turned into is a cheering section for the bad guys on the other side of the wire, lobbing mortar rounds at the sons and daughters of America.

Let's see.  Big majorities of the public have been highly critical of the war and are saying it wasn't worth it and so on.  So, that means most Americans are a "cheering section for the bad guys on the other side of the wire, lobbing mortar rounds at the sons and daughters of America", right Chuckie?

ChuckieThought is pretty deep sometimes.  Like a swamp or something.

Chuckie's the perfect example of the blowhard white guy that I was talking about in the previous post.  The idea of actually ending a war is beyond them.  Chuckie's going to have a lot to spew about if Dear Leader keeps on winning and winning for 2 1/2 more years in Iraq.

Chuckie's commenters were inspired by his latest, too.  Diamercer says:

Our troops need so much but the main thing they ask for is for Americans to respect what they are doing for them.  They give their lifes everyday for us and we turn around and blame them for things that are done during WAR.  I know some of the troops that have come back from Iraq and they are so mixed up in their heads with the things that happen over there.  If not for them we would not be America.

Uh, they come back mixed up in their heads so if not for them we wouldn't be America?  That's weird enough that I almost agree with it.

LeeSilby says :

We have a friend of my daughters that did not have a father she always had me for those very hard times as a teenager. When she told me she wanted to go into the Army I told it would be harder for her as a girl than man. But she should if it felt right in her heart. She is over there now in Baqubah, Iraq these kids are giving all for our freedom and these politicians should NOT be playing with there lifes! They are willing to give them for our Freedom why cant these as* H**es at least be on there side. Excuse me I try not to swear! And the press needs to get there Heads out of there trainees A**'S!

The press should get "there Heads out of there trainees A**S"?  Huh?

AbidinHim writes:

Someone posted elsewhere that we don't think for ourselves here on this board and we just follow behind you like sheep and agree with everthing you say. Well it's easy to agree with you because a lot of us feel and believe the same way you do about these things. In my case, yer better with the words than I am.

Yeah, Chuckie does have a way with words.

Hokie writes (that's the name he uses) all in bold:

Same as most of America's other papers. That's the tip of the iceberg. Theses internet blogs, everyday writers to the editors, your everyday Joe on the street. In common is a deep rooted hatred for President Bush. Most unfounded, just repeating mindless blather they hear from the yahoo who hates, hates, hates.

So these peoople say Bush lied, although they speak the truth because they repeat each other's lies such as "Bush went to war because of Daddy" or "Bush went to war for the oil".

And Grubbworm (!) offers this reflection, also in all bold:

I once had two guys get into my home, tie me up with cable, and put a gun to my head while they took every damn cent that I had in cash laying around.  They even managed to get my atm cards and passwords and emptied what they could.  As a normal human being, I was scared out of my wits and pleaded for my life, especially after they threatend to kill me.  Did my 'love' stop that invasion?  No.  There ain't a bit of love that would have stopped that night, and for the rest of my days, I will never forget that night.  Its the same as 9/11.  if we had given Osama bin Laden a group hug, would that have stopped him from hitting the WTC?  I don't think so.  Hitler wasn't done in by some damn fool group hug either.  The russians weren't in much of a loving mood when they found the bunker.

Yep, Chuckie's got him some interesting fans for his political wisdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be UPChuckie?? rich