Sunday, November 7, 2004

Chuckie Watch 71: Don't you call Chuckie "unilateral"

In an earlier post, I quoted Ruy Teixeira observing of the Republican Values issue that for many white working-class voters (he's working from a demographic definition of working-class as those without college degrees), "Even the war on terror has increasingly become more a cultural issue linked to patriotism than a true foreign policy issue for many of these voters."

This is exactly the voice that our favorite Republican Values political philosopher Chuckie attempts to strike in his essays. Just before the election, ole Chuckie was writing about Unilateral Action 11/01/04.

Unilateral has been classified as a dirty word by the globalists and those foolish enough to still believe that the United Nations is anything other that a corrupt international social club which seems to exist for the sole purpose of trashing the U.S.A.

Forty years ago, this was the attitude of John Birch Society cranks who used to put up roadside signs around the South saying "Get US Out of the UN."  I read once that they had considered just using the slogan "Get US Out." But even the Birchers were able to figure out that people might interpret that as a statement against the Vietnam War.

Now it passes for mainstream political opinion in the Republican Party.  It wasn't that long ago that a fool globalist like Old Man Bush was using the United Nations and a real international coalition to push Saddam's Iraq out of Kuwait.  But today's Foxists don't think we have any need for wimp nonsense like that any more.  Why not?

Unilateral means something entirely different to me. It means that America is not afraid to stand alone. It means that the security of this nation is in our hands and not dependent on people like blockhead Chirac or the Green party of Germany.

It means that we are not afraid to go it alone, that we have the finest military on the planet and that we’re not afraid to use them in the defense of our way of life, a way of life by theway that half the Planet is jealous of.

It would really be too much for Chuckie to assimilate if he were to try to grasp that Joschka Fischer, the leader of Germany's Green Party and Germany's foreign minister, is considered one of the most America-friendly leaders in the European Union.  Chuckie might have a stroke or something trying to assimilate something like that, which he's highly unlikely to hear on Oxycontin radio.

But, but, Chuckie.   I think you've been sneaking around and looking at the Liberal Press or something, boy.  You're saying half the Planet is jealous of" the American Way of Life?  Half?!? Half, Chuckie, half!?!

Oh, man, you ain't gonna win the Annual Joe McCarthy Award talkin' that way.  Don't you know that everyone in the world envies America and wants to be just like us?  Except for The Terrorists, of course, who hate us for our freedom.  That finite population of terrorists that we have to stop by having wars all over the place to kill them before that get to America.  Since there's only so many of them, once we kill 'em all off they're gone, right?  And then everyone in the world can git back to tryin' to be just like Americans.

Chuckie, Chuckie, I'm disappointed in you.  Half the world is jealous of America?  Oh, Chuckie, how could you let your loyal followers down by saying something like that?

Make no mistake about it people. It’s us and our allies against the radical Muslim world. There will be no letup and no quarter given. To deny this would be sticking our heads in the sand and hoping that the problem will go away.

"Us and our allies"?  Oh, I git it now!  Chuckie thinks "unilateral" is some kind of Liberal Press cuss word they use against Bush the Magnificent's foreign policies.  He thinks that "unilateral" can include allies.  Okay, okay, I see.  Chuckie thinks "unilateral" is kind of like "socialism", which in American politics is normally just used as a synonym for "bad," without any other concept in particular connected with it.  Chuckie thinks "unilateral" just means "pro-Bush", or something like that.

It may be kind of a Zen, live-in-the-moment thing.  Like Chuckie explained his approach to understanding the world in an earlier essay: "you should never stop and think for too long."

Chuckie luvs war.  Or at least luvs watching it on TV.  He should have a great time the next few days as the "Fallujah offensive" proceeds.  And all those new wars to look forward to:  Iran, Syria, North Korea.  And true to his Zen approach, he ain't gone be settin' around doin' a lot of thankin' about whether any of it's a good idea.  That stuff is for the kind of people who use cuss words like "unilateral."

Chuckie must be ecstatic that Bush the Hammer of Righteousness won the election on Tuesday. 

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