Monday, July 26, 2004

Mad Annie vs. USA Today

This post is only kinda-sorta about the convention.  But via Daily Kos, I came across this article from the conservative Human Events site Banned In Boston! The Ann Coulter Column Too Hot for USA Today by Ann Coulter 07/26/04.

That would be Ann Coulter, the blond whack job who is the Oxycontin crowd's favorite blond airhead.  Although most people think she's a fanatical rightwing sleaze, or maybe just goofy.

Anyway, this article has Coulter's by-line, even though it writes about "Ann Coulter, the witty, vivacious HUMAN EVENTS columnist and best-selling author" in the third person.  It seems that Mad Annie had a gig with USA Today, not exactly a leftwing outlet, to cover the Democratic convention from her own perspective.

According to this account anyway, they wouldn't accept her first column.  The purported comments that USA Today made on her column are included.  Apparently, her description of the "corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons they call 'women' at the Democratic National Convention" didn't really go over well with her editor.

Ditto her loopy comment about the Boston police reverting "to their natural state of being fascist, racist pigs."

It's tempting to have a touch of sympathy for her.  I mean, what did USA Today think they were getting when they hired Mad Annie Coulter to write about the Democratic convention?

As for the facts of the story, remember: the by-line is Ann Coulter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously no one at USAToday ever read Ann Coulter's stuff.  I read somewhere that they found her first submission "unfunny".  That sounds pretty typical of her writing to me!