Monday, June 28, 2004

Britney ist verlobt!

[Notice: Light posting until July 12 or so.]  Yes, Britny's trying marriage again.  Or at least engagement.  Earlier this year, she went straight to marriage without bothering with the engagement part.  Oops! Britney to Do Marriage Again! E! Online 06/25/04.

Britney will be a stepmom right away.  Her fiance, Kevin Federline, has one child and another on the way, both with actress Shar Jackson.  Jackson's apparently having some difficulty adjusting to the new situation:

The gracious Jackson has been quoted as declaring Federline and Spears are "made for each other."

"You both smoke, you both drink and you both cheated on significant others after three years," Jackson told Us Weekly in April, apparently referencing herself and Spears' former beau, Justin Timberlake (news).

Jackson issued just one ultimatum to the twosome: "There are two little kids--she [Spears] better be prepared to babysit."

Of course, we can expect the usual nasty, cynical comments from Little Boo's detractors.  You'd think they would give her a break since she's in the middle of a long recovery from knee injury and surgery.  But nooo....

I was reading other celebrity gossip in the Austrian Sunday papers.  One said that Anna Kournakova is already married to Enrique Iglesias. (?!)  And there was a photo of Julian Lennon (John's son) with one of Mick Jagger's daughters that said they were dating.

But, of course, Little Boo is always the Big News in celebrity gossip.  She's already upstaged Jennifer Lopez in the wedding department twice this year.  And the year's not quite half over yet.

While I'm on the subject, I think it's cool that Britney in her "Toxic" video dresses up in a costume like Nina Hagen might use.  Nina and Britney have a kind of postmodern music thing in common.  Both were persecuted, too.  Nina Hagen was kicked out of her native East Germany.  (I believe this occurred before Britney was born.)  And Boo, well, just look at the grief she has to take all the time!


Anonymous said...

Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet? In case you didn't know, there's a very interesting clip of her in the movie. I'm sure you've already been asked this, but, if you've see it, what do you think of Britney now?

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet.  But from the Michael Moore quotes I've seen on Britney, it seems he fails to appreciate her postmodern form of satire. :) - Bruce