Sunday, April 25, 2004

Confederate "Heritage" Month: April 26

Edward Sebesta's April 26 entry quotes an article glorifying Jefferson Davis, from the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (July 1958).  This article is quite clear in its focus on segregation in 1958, not some antiquarian interest in the holy Confederacy.  It begins:

All true and loyal Americans should be proud of Jefferson Davis, for he was one of our most famous statesmen, a bold and fearless military leader, and a peerless upholder of the thing that America needs most today, Constitutional Government, and States rights!

Well, sure.  You know, except when he was trying to destroy the US Constitution by leading a huge armed revolt against it.  And except in the Senate in the 1950s, when he fought on belalf of the Slave Power to enforce federal power to override states' rights on every issue that found federal power siding with the slave system against free states, like the Fugtive Slave Act.

What follows is a litany of praise for the perfect character of the noble Davis, who nobly struggled against the sinister Lincoln and "his evil advisers," who forced the poor slaveowners into revolt against their will.  Here's a good taste of Confederate "heritage" ideology:

So was The War forced upon the Southern States; I refer to it as "The War," because so did my grandparents , but noted historians call it the "War Between the States!" while still others say it was the "Civil War!" ["War Between the States" was the favorite term of Lost Cause advocates.] Term this horrible death struggle what you may, The Confederates fought to defend their freedom and independence, and for Constitutional and State Rights! Could there have been a more noble cause for fighting a war that was forced upon them? Jefferson Davis was the great American Statesman and Patriot who willingly sacrificed himself in this noble cause, which like the song of the Old Soldiers, will "Never Die!" for as long as there are true Americans, they will never cease their struggle for freedom and independence, that exists only under Constitutional and States Rights.  (my emphasis)

Could there be a more noble cause?  Defending America and its Constitution against the slaveowners trying to destroy comes immediately to mind.  This is a good one to recall when you hear about how multicultural the neo-Confederates are (emphasis in red is Sebesta's):

The Supreme Court of our land, has willfully usurped the power of Congress, and also without authority of our Constitution, Americans today, are being forced by an invisible government, a supreme alien authority that exercises control over the sovereign States and private citizens of the American Republic, to support ‑not only their own American Government, but also are forced to support foreign people of practically every other country of the entire world.

Millions upon millions of Americans' hard earned tax dollars are annually squandered in foreign lands in far too many foolish ways to list here. This constant waste of America's wealth, together with forced shameful race-mixing, that causes lowered educational standards, immorality, and finally a mongrelized people, will bring about the down fall of America, as integration of races doomed the once cultured, and prosperous cities and nations of Carthage, Athens, Rome, and Sparta; and made of Egypt the weak world power that she is today.

A "supreme alien authority."  That would be the elected Constitutional government of the United States.  And I'm sure the readers of this magazine spent a lot of time carefully considering the "heritage" of Carthage and Egypt and the others mentioned.  We're dealing with deep historical thinkers here!

May it please Him to preserve America, and to give to us a Christian fearless leader, like Jefferson Davis ...

If this writer is still around, he must be pleased with George W. Bush.  (See the last two paragraphs of The Most Dangerous President Ever by Harold Meyerson American Prospect 05/01/03 issue.)

I'll close with a final quote from this Confederate-idolator tribute to Jefferson Davis:

Then shall all the godless and non-Christian enemies of America be defeated, and all their evil plans brought to naught.

Especially, do we ask the help of God, that we may preserve the in­tegrity of our Anglo‑Saxon race, so we may pass on to our posterity the great blessing of being well born: and may He infuse in the hearts, and minds, of each of us, the undying patriotic spirit of our beloved Jef­ferson Davis, when he said, near the end of his days ". . . tell the world that I only loved America!"

Heritage not hate?

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