Saturday, May 27, 2006

Shrub and Laura getting divorced! (It's no more fantastic than WMDs in Iraq, is it?)

Media Matters is going after the latest round of Clinton Freakout among the pathetic grandees of our "press corps":  Coming soon to The New York Times? Globe reports Bush marriage breakup 05/26/06.

The Daily Howler may have hit on the right explanation.  Maybe the David Broders and Timmy Russerts of the world are actually androids, secretly foisted on us by space aliens:

The Howler suggests we could call them the "I-Pod People".

Nothing in normal human experience prepares us for this mind-numbing crew. ...

By normal standards, these creatures aren’t human. By normal standards, they’re out of their minds.

By normal standards, these creatures aren’t human. And yet, they steward our national discourse!  ... By normal standards, they’re out of their minds.  It’s very hard - extremely hard - to explain this situation to voters.

According to Occam's Razor, in trying to explain a phenomenon, one should not make more than the minimum of assumptions needed to explain it.  It's called the principle of parsimony.

By that standard, the Howler's explanation seems to be consistent with Occam's Razor.

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