Thursday, May 6, 2004

Chuckie Watch 52: Chuckie ain't lookin' at no dirty pichers

I don't think Chuckie's heard about the torture stories or seen the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison yet.  At least not that you can tell from his 05/03/04 piece The Blame Game.  No, Chuckie's being philosophical about how America is the bestest more wonderfulest country in the world and no one should criticize it.  Except people like Chuckie, of course.

Chuckie just luvs America:

If I could find a better place than America to live I would surely go there. But I can’t, I just can’t.

When I leave the United States of America I want to go to heaven. That’s the only better place I know of.

Gosh, I don't think I've ever heard anything like that before.  And least not more than, say, ten thousand times.  But Chuckie's willin' to admit America ain't totally perfect:

I will be the first to admit that the U.S.A. has made some grievous mistakes in the past. Not finishing the war in Iraq the first time. Korea comes to mind, of course Vietnam where the politicians refused to let our troops win, but still refused to bring them home. And any number of screw-ups, some I’m sure none of us know about.

There's that "the-politicians-wouldn't-let-the-generals-win-in-Vietnam" thing again.  Well, Chuckie, we did it yore way in Iraq.  We won, absolutely, totally, crushed the military, "finished the war", took over the whole country, ousted Saddam, tortured prisoners.  Just the way the blowhard Rambo-mouths always said we needed to.

How's that working out?  Is the Chuckie foreign policy making us safer from terrorism?  Stronger in the world?  Making other countries eager to cooperate with us?

What country opens its arms to the destitute, the refugee, and the disenfranchised?

Uh, Chuckie, I thought you been sayin' that them there immigrants was doin' us in.  Ah'm confused.

What country despite it’s faults, and goodness knows it has plenty of them, stands head and shoulders above every other country in the world when it comes to liberty, opportunity and personal freedoms?

Uh, Chuckie, maybe you really better had look at those Abu Ghraib pictures.  Because everyone else in the world is.


Anonymous said...

Ugh...the Chuckster would really make me want to throw-up with his rhetoric.  Don't get me wrong -- I love America.  But I do think someone with a good knowledge of U.S. history could come up with better grievances against the U.S. government than "the politicians didn't let the generals win the war in 'Nam."

Slavery?  No, not good enough?  Removal of American indians to reservations?  Still not enough?  Internment camps?  Not that either?

I know -- they didn't impeach Clinton for his extra-maritial affairs!  That's one of the biggest insults to Chuck and his right-wing blowhard friends.

I was watching one of the NBC news shows and they had a family member of one of the soldiers in the pictures of the tortured (or dead?) Iraqi bodies.  She was using the excuse that her family member must have just been "following orders."  That's a real popular one; always has been.  I thought that had been resolved at the Nuremberg trials.  No matter what the "orders" you get, you know damn well better than to follow one(s) that are outrages against decency.  

This is a damn shame.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Chuckie has a definite view on the rights and wrongs of American history.

I doubt he would consider Indian removal or internment in the category of wrongs.  Slavery maybe - although seeing some of his views over the last couple of years, I wouldn't even be so sure about that, either.

I'm sure he considered not impeaching Clinton one of the bad marks on America.

He probably thinks making the Abu Ghraib pictures public was a big negative.  And having the white South cave in to the Supreme Court on segregation is probably in his list.  He has made it clear in other posts that he thinks giving welfare benefits to unemployed mothers is one of those big minus point in America history.  Creating public schools is probably in his negative list, too. - Bruce