Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Chuckie Watch 120: Chuckie goes after the Islamunists

Well, I guess it's time revisit ole Chuckie.  Cause he's been wetting his diapers with excitement over the latest fighting in the Middle East.  Also, he's trying to put Matter Over Mind 07/28/06.

Chuckie don't have no doubt about who the problem is.  No, not the Mexican immigrants, or gays, or wimmin.  Not even scary black people.  Not right now, anyway.  No, the problem is them there Muslims:

When you look at the wars going on this planet, who is fighting them? Radical Muslims. We have radical Muslims fighting Americans. Radical Muslims fighting Israel. Radical Muslims fighting in Afghanistan, in Africa, in Indonesia and scores of other locations around the world.

They are fighting anybody who has a different religious ideology than they do up to and including people of their own faith. I think this is enough to get through to even the dullest mind that the free world has a common enemy.

Hezbollah, the shining path, Hamas, al Qaida, the names may be different but they are all part of the army of radical Islam and they are bent on destroying the free world and if the free world doesn’t wake up to who the enemy is and stop being so politically correct that they can’t put the blame where it belongs, they may go a long way toward accomplishing their goal.

Now, Chuckie made me stop and think a bit on this one.  Because the only group I ever heard of called Shining Path was the Peruvian guerrilla group Sendera Luminoso.  They were mostly suppressed years ago.  Their ideology was a kind of super-leftwing version of Maoist Communism.  They wanted to set up a government kind of like that of the Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.

Now, I hadn't realized before that ultraleft Maoists and Pol Pot admirers were Muslims.  Then it occurred to me.  They're all Islamunists!  That what Jesus' General calls them.   (See He may not be an Islamunist,.but he's still brown 08/01/06).

So now I understand perfectly what Chuckie's talking about.  Muslims, Commies, they're all pretty much the same.  They're Islamunists!  Shoot, I bet you them Muslims and Pol Pot Commies in Peru all promote gay marriage, free love, pot smoking and condoms!  They're all in this together, those devious Islamunists. ...

But Chuckie wants us to keep focused:

Now be honest with yourselves, America. Who do really think is more likely to attack our country? Jews? Catholics? Evangelical Christians? Baptists? Hindus? Buddhists?

Actually, the most deadly terrorist attack in American prior to 9/11 was the Oklahoma City bombing done by Timmy McVeigh, a Catholic influenced by far-right Christian Identity notions.   And David Niewert just listed out a bunch of Christian terrorist types (Another 'random gallery of lone shooters' Orcinus blog 08/01/06),  like Joseph Paul Franklin, a Christian Identity fan who murdered 20 people, and John Salvi, who murdered one person and killed three others because he said he thought there was a conspiracy against the Catholic Church.

But, hey, they must be Islamunists, too, right?  Christian Islamunists, yeah, that must be what they are!

Just look at one of Chuckie's comments to that little rant, from Sharie-xoxo.  She writes:

recently Sean Hannity made a very good point on his show.

If Jimmy the Peanut Carter had not done away with the Shah of Iran, we would not be having these problems in the middle east right now..the Shah was a friend to the US and had a good government in place...it wasn't until he was exiled that all these muslim fanatics started popping up, starting with Ayatollah Khomeini...he was the first major nut job that got all the other nut jobs rolling...there are plenty of people in Iran that aren't even muslim, nor did they practice it before the Ayatollah came along...but I guess if you are threatened by death if you don't follow the muslim laws, then you choose the muslim laws...women didn't use to have to walk around Iran with their heads covered as they do now...this is a by-product of the Ayatollah coming into power...and we only have our own government to thank for that...just think, the men that you see on TV today blowing themselves up with bombs taped to them, and killing 1000's of innocents were just very young impressionable kids when the Ayatollah came along....You didn't see this crap happening when the Shah was in power....

think about it.

You see how that works?  Jimmy Carter, Shi'a, Sunni, Muslims, Commies who cares?  They're all Islamunists!

Kennyg63 from Florida writes to ole Chuckie:

Your point is so correct and it rarely is discussed.  This is an ideology hiding behind a religion.  When I got to the mall and I see women dressed in this fashion I am horrified.  What are they doing here in the U.S.  Are they on our side or the "Islamic Fascist".

Yeah, the Islamunists talk all these wimmin into walking around in public with nearly no clothes on and teach them to use birth control and practice witchcraft and stuff.

I'm sure glad we've got guys like ole Chuckie to keep us informed about these things!

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