Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I guess they just don't make puppet governments like they used to

Guerrillas murder dozens of Iraqi soldiers under conditions that obviously indicate inside collaboration.  And our loyal friend, Iyad Allawi, interim prime minister of the "sovereign" Iraqi government, blames ... the United States!

Allawi slams coalition 'neglect' BBC News 10/26/04

Iraqi's interim prime minister has accused US-led multinational forces of negligence over the massacre of 49 army recruits on a remote road on Saturday.

"There was great negligence on the part of some coalition forces," Iyad Allawi told Iraq's interim national assembly. ...

The prime minister did not say specifically how foreign forces had failed to protect the recruits, who had been on their way home from a training camp.

"The killings represent the epitome of what could be done to hurt Iraq and the Iraqi people," he said.

Gee, maybe if Halliburton would sign him up for some "consulting fees" he would behave a little better!

Alaui acusa a las fuerzas de EEUU de 'gran negligencia' por la masacre de reclutas iraquíes en Baquba  El Mundo 26.10.04 also reports on Allawi's statement, and add some casualty numbers from the official interim Iraqi government counts:

Al menos 92 atentados suicidas han sido perpetrados entre junio y septiembre en Irak, en los que han muerto 567 personas y 1.238 resultaron heridas, informó el ministro iraquí del Interior, Falah al Nakib, ante el Consejo Nacional.

El mes de julio fue el más violento, con 34 atentados que dejaron 245 muertos y 235 heridos. Según el ministro, el país registró en junio 18 atentados suicida, 20 en agosto y otros tantos en septiembre. Nakib también precisó que en los últimos meses se habían producido decenas de secuestros.

That's at least 92 suicide attacks between June and September, those months included, with 567 deaths and 1,238 injuries from those attacks.  July was the worst of those four months in terms of specifically suicide attacks, with 34 attacks, 245 deaths and 235 wounded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a total sham, Bruce.  And people still believe the Bushie is the better Commander in Chief.  <sigh>

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen