Sunday, January 2, 2005

Chuckie Watch 81: Chuckie fulfills prophecy

Hey, am I an expert on Chuckie Thought, or what?  Just a few days ago, I quoted from Chuckie's New Year post, where he said

I want to be sensitive to the needs of the poor, sympathetic to the plight of the downtrodden and an enemy of injustice in whatever form it may take.

And I predicted:  Soon, I have no doubt, Chuckie will be telling us how Social Security oppresses the poor and is unjust to, I don't know, somebody or other.

And ole Chuckie's done fulfilled my prophecy already.  In his latest, Tomfoolery 12/31/04, Chuckie faithfully regurgitates the Bush/Fox/Oxycontin line on Social Security to us:

We shouldn’t have to be worried about Social Security and what went wrong, the money has been paid in by the hard working people of this nation, why isn’t it available to be paid out?

Okay, okay, he didn't exactly say git rid of it.  The gut-Social-Security campaign is only now in the "shock and awe" stage, the sky is falling and all that.  So that's close enough for me to claim a "hit" on my prediction.

And Chuckie's also worried about that there Medicare thang.  How come them there politicians had to thank up all these complicated programs for Chuckie to worry about?

The Medicare system has become a top heavy, ponderous program that hangs around the nation’s neck like a million ton albatross administered by enough paperwork to fill the Grand Canyon several times over.

I wonder how many of Chuckie's fans, especially in the South, have to rely exclusively or near-exclusively on Medicare for health insurance?  Or how many have parents in that situation?  Lots of them, I would guess.

And Chuckie's also worried about how that there welfare stuff is corrupting poor people, too.  Chuckie, working hard on his New Year's wish to be more sensitive to the poor and downtrodden says:

There are many commendable people in this country who have taken advantage of the welfare and entitlement programs to pull themselves up by the bootstraps to a better life. There are others who have used the programs to proliferate a life of drugs, laziness and the wholesale birth of children by multiple fathers, children who will run wild and unsupervised on the streets fostering violence and chaos.

But don't you go thankin' that Chuckie has some particular ethnic group in mind here.  No, sirree, Chuckie ain't no racist now.  He's said so his own self!  So you bleedin' heart types don't go be talking about Chuckie that way.

And Chuckie's also working on being "an enemy of injustice."  Like he says:

We have a severe drug problem, how do we eradicate it? We pass new laws letting the DEA, police departments and other agencies take the gloves off and handle the drug dealers like the bottom feeders that they are. That’s called fighting fire with fire.

Yeah, just turn the cops loose to be able to say, "Yeah, that there black kid's wearing baggy pants, so he must be a dealer.  So let's just shoot him now.  Fight fire with fire, like my man Chuckie says."

Something tells me that if Chuckie were to get in trouble with the law, he'd howl like a whiny three-year-old about how he was being persecuted and all.  But as long as he can fantasize about white cops beatin' up on minorities and stuff, he thinks it's a fine idea.

You have to admire a guy like Chuckie, whose heart never stops overflowing with Christian love.  But it is kinda funny if you think about it.  Chuckie don't trust the gubment at all when it comes to retirement insurance or medical care.  But he has total faith in the gubment - the cops, the DEA - when it comes to goin' after drug dealers and such.  That Chuckie, he's deep.

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