Friday, November 14, 2003

Iraq War Critics: Molly Ivins Agrees with Bush

Or does that make her a war fan? Agreeing with Bush, I mean. I can't do justice to Molly Ivins' latest column on the Iraq War with either a summary or selected quotations. I'll include a bit of it here, but go read the whole thing. As she says, just a week ago, our heroic leader Bush was doing the we'll-never-back-down bit.

Now, it sounds like he's in a rush to get the hoo-hoo out of Iraq. "Forget a constitution, we have to hand it all over to the Iraqis right away" is her reading of the latest policy turn.

<< I'm glad all this bug-out stuff is coming from the administration -- if some liberal said it, we'd all be accused of treason. ...

<< So, here's the Bush administration with this sudden new emphasis on us getting the hell out of there. If you think I am going to disagree or make fun of them for doing such a 180, you are sadly mistaken. We have seen the 180 many times before with Bush, usually when reality intrudes on ideology.

<< Bug out before the election next year, that's fine by me. I don't like seeing Americans killed by people we thought we had gone to help. I suspect this is the ultimate no-win situation -- the sooner we're out, the better. I do hold a grudge against all those folks in the administration who convinced most Americans that his war was a dandy idea. There was no nuclear weapons program. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein had no ties to Al Qaeda, and if anyone sees an outbreak of peace and democracy in Middle East, let me know. >>

Even if you don't like her politics, Molly's work on Bush is worth reading. She's known Dubya since childhood, she knows Texas politics inside out, she's a highly professional journalists and she's followed Bush's political career closely.

Reality has collided badly with Bush's grand little adventure in Iraq. But the end is likely to be ugly, one way or the other.


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